Friday, 23 November 2012

Chapter - 4 Child development and pedagogy

Child development and pedagogy

We all love children since they
bring joy to our lives.
However,some parents get stressed
dealing with them, and especially if
it is their first child.  To avoid this,
the first thing a parent should do
is understand the development
stage of that child. This way, he or
she will be able to identify the
needs of that child, and provide for
them.Here are a few tips to guide
all parents on child development
and pedagogy.

Emotional and social
development of the child:

Emotional development refers to
the ability of a child to express and
feel emotions. Social development
on the other hand refers to the
ability of the child to relate to
others and be independent. When a
child is born, they begin to learn
through every stage of their lives.
Socially and emotionally, chidlren
depend entirely on their parents,
sleep for long hour, are restless
and cry as their form of
communication. Parents at times
feel that the baby is being a
nuisance and some of them,
especially the mothers get stressed.
As a guide development of your
child, parents should understand
that the child can not emotionallly
or socially rely on themselves. This
is a very important tip on child
development and pedagogy.

Physical development:

As a guide to child development
and pedagogy, a parent must
understand how the child is
developing physically. How a
parent can understand this is by
watching the skills of the child. For
example,when the child grabs a
chair to support himself to stand.
Aso, children start to crawl,
attempt to stand up alone,point at
objects,attempt to pick objects or
even dropping and throwing toys.
All these are signs that your child
is developing physically. Some
parents feel burdened because of
have to lift the child up allthe time
or collecting the toys that have
been thrown away. However it is
very important that a parent
understands that this is part of the
development of a child. He or she
should therefore support the child
by helping him pick up the toys
and even encouraging the child to
stand using furniture in the
house.You should provide aslo
provide the toys and play
items.Alos, start reading interesting
stories for you child. You can buy
story books with pictures in it so
that your child some day can try
and emulate what he or she saw.
This way, child pedagogy and
developmeent will be enhanced.

Cognitive development:

As a guide to child development
and pedagogy, the way in which a
child gains the ability to think
creatively. We are all happy to see
our children manage to carry out
difficult tasks. When a child is
born, he may not be able to relate
to sound but with time, he will.
Cognitive signs of a child include
development of ideas and
communication using their eyes. A
parent can aid the child by pulling
faces at the child, displaying
brightly coloured objects, physical
contact and exposing the child to
differnet household noises.This is a
very important guide on child
development and pedagogy.
Speech and languge development
Speech and languge development is
another aspect on the child
development and pedagogy. All
children start by uttering a single
word. They then start combining
the words to make them two. As
they development, they can even
narrate stories. They also start
being very inquisitive.It is
important for parents to talk to
them, use gestures, offer the
children choices and give them
books to look at. Listen to your
child to avoid them from throwing
tantrums and also encourage
them.This is also an important
factor on child development and
pedagogy that should be

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